Reem is without a doubt the best investment I have made in our business development and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to take themselves, their team or their business to the next level and beyond.
I remember Reem saying to me during an early conversation that you cannot connect the dots looking forwards, you can only connect them looking backwards.
If I was to speak to the person I was before I embarked on this mentorship journey with Reem, I'd tell him that in 8 months he wouldn't recognise himself, or his life.
He'd be operating with complete clarity and focused direction.
- He'd be free of frustration.
- He'd spend more time with friends and family.
- He'd release weight and become healthier than ever.
- He'd accept, love and appreciate himself.
- He'd have more time for hobbies, and not spend his entire week working.
- His business would be thriving, with increased revenue and profit beyond belief.
- His team would be happy, motivated, productive and efficient.
- He'd become an exceptional leader.
- He'd do so much more in less time.
- He'd earn more money in 8 months than he had in the previous two years.
- He'd be in flow; no more grinding, hustling and forcing.
- His life would be so much easier. And fun.
I'd tell him that he'd be himself; just more happy, fulfilled, creative, competent, self aware, motivated, and successful, and that it would be a lot easier to achieve than he thinks it would be.
Of course, he'd probably not believe me, but I'm beyond grateful that he decided to work with Reem and Dreem Consulting.
When you look back and connect the dots, you can plot your path to success. For me, choosing to be coached by Reem was the single defining moment, and the best decision I've ever made.
Chris Kemp
Managing Director, OSWorkplace